Signals and Slots vs Callbacks A callback is a pointer to a function that is called when an event occurs, any function can be assigned to a callback No type-safety Always works as a direct call Signals and Slots are more dynamic A more generic mechanism Easier to interconnect two existing classes Less knowledge shared between involved classes. Nov 02, 2009  Signals and Slots in Depth. To successfully connect a signal to a slot (or to another signal), they must have the same parameter types in the same order. Or if the signal or the slot doesn't exist, Qt will issue a warning at run-time if the application is built in debug mode. Similarly, Qt will give a warning if parameter names are.

  1. Qt Signals And Slots Tutorial
  2. Qt Signal Slot Get Caller Id
  3. Qt Signal Slot Thread
  4. Qt Signal Slot Connect
  1. So, slots and signals are normal member functions, declared after the qt-specific keyword signals/slots. When you want to emit a signal, its enough to just write 'emit mysignal;', and all observers on this signal will get notified. Slots are often used to react to certain events in the UI, like the currentIndexChanged signal in this case.
  2. It's possible to bind more than one signal to one slot (isn't?). So, is there a way to understand which widget sends the signal? How to get sender widget with a signal/slot mechanism? Ask Question Asked 9 years, 1 month ago. Active 1 year. How to avoid Confliction due to “Same signal, different slots” in Qt?
14 Jul 2016CPOL


This article exposes some of the underlying things that Qt uses for object model manipulation and threading. For beginners, it provides direct insight as to what really goes on in signals and slots. For an advanced user, it's a good reference for situations where you have a large semi-dynamically constructed interface or you need reflection style programming but are in C++.


In Qt, every QObject derived instance has a name. You can set it programmatically, or set it in the IDE using Qt Designer, or have it be auto-assigned by Qt Designer. For most cases, that makes it (typically) unique.

That means that every QObject in the entire application (or at least, the top most window) has (almost always) a unique .. path from top most application node to the bottom:


That means:

Qt Signal Slot Get Caller
  • You can find it using Qt's framework and get a pointer to it (search by name, or name and type/subtype).
  • You can use Qt's meta-object data to ask about its type (as a string), or ask which calls it supports.

That means you can then dynamically find, and get call signatures and through Qt's signals/slots, invoke via text an object.

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  • You can call functions that are Q_SLOTS but the code was invented years after you wrote your code, having no real knowledge of the type (just the call signature).
  • You can invoke across threads (similar to C# invoking to jump threads).
  • You can reuse pieces of existing Q_Widgets by reparenting the pieces and edit the object tree, even on future versions of widgets if the names are the same.
  • You can adapt your code's behavior for what the future size, shape, and object tree of some other QWidget that hasn't even been written yet.
  • You can link many conceptually similar objects into the same behavior even though they derive from different base classes (all checkedChanged calls and valueChanged calls can be detected by function signature and rewired to handlers that do the same or similar things).

Using the Code

Connect & Sender

Suppose you have a UI file that defined a large number of UI elements, and you got the layout perfect and they all display a lot of data, but, programmatically you want to link up all the signals and slots.

Typically, that would mean dozens or more lines looking like:

Qt Signals And Slots Tutorial

Normally, of course, the names would reflect meaningful information about what the checkbox or spinbox or what ever is used for, but it's just an example.

The point is, if you had 20 checkboxes, 20 spinboxes, 20 double spin boxes, you'd have 60 connects, AND 60 function handlers. That is a lot of typing.

Suppose you fold down by type, AND folded the SLOTS down, so there are 9 lines of code doing the connects (3 per type) and only one slot per type.

This maps ALL checkboxes to the same slot. Inside the slot, we can recover the pointer to the sender:

Qt Signal Slot Get Caller Id

We could have mapped some of the checkboxes to this slot or that slot based on a regular expression on the name.

Type / Signature Discovery

Suppose the application is a bit more advanced. Suppose I'm writing part of it, a broker of the data between a cloud of data and the UI, and I'm not sure what the exact types are going to be. That's still ok and I can still link into them.

In this case, my code onlyknows and relies on the code signature. Connect isn't looking for an entry in a vtable, it is linking the text generated by the SIGNAL and SLOT macros to match against the string table generated by the Qt moc tool. This means all the binding is NOT type safe or even type aware and it is all done at run time.


I often asks people to 'Explain Qt Threading' when I interview them. The reality is there are dozens of articles each proclaiming the 'best' or 'proper' way of doing threading, and they are really advocating style. The problem is Qt threading is kinda left to the developer to do and it's flexible and thus confusing. I'll briefly try to explain the how and provide a quick trick to make life easy.

In Qt, objects are not thread safe (unless you spun your own) and they all run on the main Qt UI thread by default. All timers, everything is all in the same thread by default. When you try to use more threads, you immediately have run time problems because the worker thread isn't the same thread as the UI and you can't call the UI objects directly. This is the same problem with the .NET framework and it has a similar solution (I'll get to that).

Suppose you have two worker threads, 'A' and 'B'. In Qt, QThreads are QObjects and you 'move' other QObjects onto that thread. That means 'A' owns some objects and 'B' owns some objects. It also means that all the UI objects can't be called by the worker threads (crash) but other objects on 'A' and 'B' can call each other (but asynchronously so you'd typically need mutexes).

The general Qt paradigm is to 'move' an object onto a worker thread and then create a signal / slot connection so that objects in worker thread 'A' signal the UI objects and vice versa. Qt detects that they are owned by different threads and queues the connection so that when the signal occurs, it is converted to text, put on the application event queue and then when the other thread awakes, it gets the string off the event queue, converts it by matching the text into a set of args and call signature, finds (text match) the object and the function pointer and makes the call.

This is slow, but what Qt requires. You can add your own threadsafe calls by adding a mutex but with anything related to the UI, you at some point must change things inside Qt to effect painting and that will typically mean a queued connection (somewhere).

It also means you typically need to subclass some things in Qt, add extra slots, and add signals and connections through out your code.

Or, you can do this:

The QTimer::singleShot behind the scenes takes the pointer, and the text generated by the SLOT macro, puts it on the application event queue (with a delay of zero) and calls the function. Which is awesome if the function has no arguments.

Or, if it has arguments:

This posts a request to eventually do mpSpinBox->setValue(mValue);

If I wanted to block this thread till done, I could use Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection.

This works on anything that's a slot (Q_INVOKABLE, Q_SLOT, Q_PROPERTY).

Behind the scenes, it creates a QMetaCallEvent and posts that as an event to the mpSpinBox via the application event pump that then gets serviced by the correct thread.

Which is akin to C# BeginInvoke which would look like:

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or for blocking:

Invoke required, but in Qt

Another good trick is making functions that are not thread safe, or have parent/child thread issues work across threads and even scripted things.

Then in the body, we check that the thead we're being called on is the thread we need to be on and either directly call the worker function or invoke it. Note that it can't be Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection because Qt will assume it's a dead lock (even though it isn't) and not make the call. If _InternalImplimentation(delay) returned something we'd need to spin wait for the result instead of doing a blocking connection.

Another way that is much crisper, but .. a little harder for people new to Qt to read is:

Done this way, the function calls itself but on the correct thread (if it's the wrong thread) otherwise it does the work. This style is a bit more common in C# applications but it's conceptually the same as checking if invokeRequired is true in C#.

In either case the developer must be aware that the call may activate almost imediately or .. when ever the OS eventually (msec typically, seconds extremely rarely) gets around to it. Techniques using mutex tryLock() etc. can be usefull if multiple things might try to start the same operation. They try to lock, and if fail it's already been kicked off, otherwise they gain the lock and are the initiator, then when the code actually completes the lock is released.

Qt Signal Slot Thread

The above does two things:

  1. Many threads can call crossThreadSafe simultaneously, and those events are coalessed into (typically) one call to myTimer.start(delay);
  2. All calls that are simultaneous block until the action completes.


Suppose you have a legacy control and it has a banner with the old company logo on it, and a border on the bottom and you want to reuse it. You could wrap the control and hide the banner and the border but that may not work if the control has private functions that monitor visibility. You can recycle the control at run time instead.

First, a little helper function:

Now I create a widget, find a button called mpCommandButton BUT I make sure it's the one I want by checking its 'unique' name.

At this point, this may sound like a very limited technique, but it has some nice applications:

  • You can edit existing Qt controls and modify them without subclassing.
  • You can edit old controls and adjust layout styling.
  • You can combine two old controls interlacing their layouts for a new experience.
  • You can make old controls that normally layout short and wide to be tall and thin if the window resizes.
  • You can make the application layout editable by the user (reparent movable things to panels, save panel ID with uniqueName, size, location).

Qt Signal Slot Connect


  • 29th June, 2016: Initial version

Qt5 Tutorial Signals and Slots - 2018 site search:

In this tutorial, we will learn QtGUI project with signal and slot mechanism.

File->New File or Project..

Applications->Qt Gui Application->Choose..

We keep the class as MainWindow as given by default.


Let's open up Forms by double-clicking the mainwindow.ui to put gui components:

From the Widgets, drag Horizontal Slider and Progress Bar, and place them into the main window. Then,

Run the code. Now, if we move the slider, the progress will reflect the changes in the slider:

We did it via gui, but we can do it via direct programming.

Let's delete the signal and slot, and write the code for the signal and slot mechanism in the constructor of the MainWindow class as shown below:

Signals and slots are used for communication between objects. The signals and slots mechanism is a central feature of Qt and probably the part that differs most from the features provided by other frameworks.

In GUI programming, when we change one widget, we often want another widget to be notified. More generally, we want objects of any kind to be able to communicate with one another. For example, if a user clicks a Close button, we probably want the window's close() function to be called.Older toolkits achieve this kind of communication using callbacks. A callback is a pointer to a function, so if you want a processing function to notify you about some event you pass a pointer to another function (the callback) to the processing function. The processing function then calls the callback when appropriate. Callbacks have two fundamental flaws: Firstly, they are not type-safe. We can never be certain that the processing function will call the callback with the correct arguments. Secondly, the callback is strongly coupled to the processing function since the processing function must know which callback to call.

In Qt, we have an alternative to the callback technique: We use signals and slots. A signal is emitted when a particular event occurs. Qt's widgets have many predefined signals, but we can always subclass widgets to add our own signals to them. A slot is a function that is called in response to a particular signal. Qt's widgets have many pre-defined slots, but it is common practice to subclass widgets and add your own slots so that you can handle the signals that you are interested in.

The signals and slots mechanism is type safe: The signature of a signal must match the signature of the receiving slot. (In fact a slot may have a shorter signature than the signal it receives because it can ignore extra arguments.) Since the signatures are compatible, the compiler can help us detect type mismatches. Signals and slots are loosely coupled: A class which emits a signal neither knows nor cares which slots receive the signal. Qt's signals and slots mechanism ensures that if you connect a signal to a slot, the slot will be called with the signal's parameters at the right time. Signals and slots can take any number of arguments of any type. They are completely type safe.

All classes that inherit from QObject or one of its subclasses (e.g., QWidget) can contain signals and slots. Signals are emitted by objects when they change their state in a way that may be interesting to other objects. This is all the object does to communicate. It does not know or care whether anything is receiving the signals it emits. This is true information encapsulation, and ensures that the object can be used as a software component.

Slots can be used for receiving signals, but they are also normal member functions. Just as an object does not know if anything receives its signals, a slot does not know if it has any signals connected to it. This ensures that truly independent components can be created with Qt.You can connect as many signals as you want to a single slot, and a signal can be connected to as many slots as you need. It is even possible to connect a signal directly to another signal. (This will emit the second signal immediately whenever the first is emitted.)

- from Signals & Slots

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